odoo app for Loan functioality for employee | employee loan Integrated with Payroll | HR employee loan management employee salary deduction for loan amount | loan amount easy deduction in employee payslip | Manage employee loan | HR loan for employee | Odoo loan management | Loan Request and Approval | Open HRMS Loan Management | Loan accounting | Odoo loan accounting | Employee loan management | Loan Deduction in employee payslip | loan for employee

Employee Loan Management
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

employee payroll monthly statement with salary rules, Employee payslip statement, payroll statement, hr payslip statement, hr payroll, hr employee payroll, payroll summary report, employee payslip by monthly payslip registrar, employee payslip generator, payslip salary rule

Employee Payroll Statement
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Apps will manage employee overtime request whole process, approvals and intregrated with Payroll

Employee Overtime Request
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Payroll Summary monthly report with excel format | Annually Summary report with pdf report | payroll status report |employee payslip report status report | summary report payroll summary report | payroll monthly statement payroll, employee payroll statement, salary rule statement

Employee Payroll Annually Summary Report
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

employee advance salary employee, advance salary mail notification, Integrated with accounting for payment, employee advance salary Integrated with payroll, deducts salary in payslip, hr payroll, manager approval mail notification, hr advance salary

HR Employee Advance Salary
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app will manage payroll payment advice and send mail notificatation to bank manager with payslip details

Payroll Payment Advice
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd